This section is designed for venting over insulting job posts.
From time to time completely and utterly insulting jobs are posted on craigslist. I surmise that many desperate, poor (in more respects than one), and unsuspecting young professionals routinely respond to these insulting ads.
Whether out of a desperate desire for experience, a need for cash at the near poverty level, or sheer boredom– these private practitioners are taking advantage of the market. At least one other blog has caught on to this and has provided a “grade report” for some despicable craigslist posts.
I have reprinted below ,what is in my opinion, a very wise excerpt from the “grade report” that sums up nicely what this venting section of is all about:
“Look, I’m just annoyed that this nobody law firm, which probably doesn’t pay that much because it can’t be that busy if it can offer a “very good lifestyle” feels it needs to limit its candidate pool to those who are currently employed when, in any other market, tiny law firms would be thanking their lucky stars to have one of the currently laid off attorneys with stellar credentials and qualifications even consider their firm.
Namely, to facilitate the cathartic effect venting can have on the current stupor infiltrated on young lawyers by the current economy.
If nothing else maybe this section can provide some strength to others to push back on these types of offers, to keep the profession noble and respectable, and to publicly ridicule those who wish to prey on the weak.
Please share your stories and check out what I will refer to as the “Hall of Shame” job posts listed over to the right side of this page under subcategories.
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